The first environmental impact assessment announcement of the reconstruction and expansion project with an annual output of 1.2 million rubber tires

The reconstruction and expansion project of Qingdao Wangyu Rubber Products Co., Ltd. with an annual output of 1.2 million rubber tires is hereby announced as follows in accordance with the requirements of the Interim Measures for Public Participation in Environmental Impact Assessment and other relevant environmental protection regulations and related documents:

1. Project name and overview

Project name: Reconstruction and expansion project of annual output of 1.2 million rubber tires

Project Overview: Qingdao Wangyu Rubber Products Co., Ltd. is located at No. 176, Zicun Road/Street, Liujiazhuang, Mingcun Town, Pingdu City. The project has an investment of 100 million yuan, covers an area of 57,378m2, and has a construction area of 42,952m2. It has purchased 373 sets of main production equipment such as internal mixers, molding machines, and vulcanizers. After the completion of the project, the annual output of 1.2 million rubber tire series products.

2. Name and contact information of construction unit

Construction unit name: Qingdao Wangyu Rubber Products Co., Ltd.

Contact number: Wang Xijian

Contact: 13780636628

3. The name and contact information of the EIA unit

Construction unit name: Anhui Jincheng Anhuan Technology Development Co., Ltd.

Contact number: Liu Yang

Contact: 15064672181

4. Environmental impact assessment work procedures, approval procedures and main work contents

(1) Work procedure

1. The construction unit entrusts a qualified EIA agency

2. The construction unit makes the first public announcement

3. Public opinion survey (issue of questionnaires)

4. The EIA agency prepares an environmental impact report

5. The second public announcement of the construction unit's speech

6. The construction unit submits an environmental impact report and other relevant materials to the Qingdao Environmental Protection Bureau

(2) Work content

Based on the analysis of the general situation of the project and the environmental situation of the area where it is located, combined with the pollutants produced and discharged from the existing projects of the project, the main contents of this environmental impact assessment are determined as follows:

On the basis of the investigation of the environmental characteristics of the area where the project is located, the general situation of the project and the analysis of the project's pollutant discharge, the key evaluation of the project's environmental air, acoustic environmental impact and ecological impact, and the key demonstration of the project's pollution prevention measures , general assessment of surface water environment.

V. Main matters for soliciting public opinions

What are the public's requirements and opinions on the project site selection and project environmental protection issues?

6. The main ways for the public to express their opinions

According to the relevant provisions of Ministry Order No. 4 "Measures for Public Participation in Environmental Impact Assessment", the construction unit of this project will make public the environmental impact report, issue public participation questionnaires, and consult experts before submitting the environmental impact report for review. The public can solicit opinions from the public, and the public can put forward their opinions within ten working days from the date of this announcement by filling out a survey form, telephone or email and other methods.

The time limit for inquiries and opinions is 10 working days from the date of announcement.

Qingdao Wangyu Rubber Products Co., Ltd.

September 5, 2018